Expired August 3, 2024 6:30 PM
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This film is eligible for audience awards. The voting period has closed. Stay tuned for the results!

Going head to head with repressive state apparatus, and who we become in the process of doing so. Creative, embodied, stubborn, and emergent.

Content warning: Depictions of state-sanctioned medical abuse (Boat People), Flashing lights (The Battle of Empty Stomachs)

Accessibility: Closed captions available

An immigrant mother emerges as a community leader during the historic campaign to end the sharing of the Philadelphia police database with Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Expanding Sanctuary tells a rarely told story about a Latinx immigrant community’s successful journey to change legislation and protect families.

Thank you to our screening partner: Black Documentary Collective (BDC)

  • Runtime
    21 minutes
  • Language
    Spanish, English
  • Country
    United States
  • Premiere
    East Coast
  • Social Media
  • Director
    Kristal Sotomayor
  • Screenwriter
    Kristal Sotomayor
  • Producer
    Kristal Sotomayor
  • Cast
    Linda Hernandez
  • Cinematographer
    Kristal Sotomayor
  • Editor
    María Luisa Santos
  • Composer
    Jorge Corante
  • Sound Design
    Nayuribe Montero Jiménez, Tinta Stereo Audiovisual