Expired August 3, 2024 11:00 PM
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This film is eligible for audience awards. The voting period has closed. Stay tuned for the results!

Accessibility: Closed captions available

There are films that expand our emotional capacity and then there are some that move us from bystanders toward action. Black Girls aims to do both. Never Whisper Justice’s sophomore film arrives as a visual anthology on the expansiveness of Black womanhood and how the corners of intersectionality can bring us all closer to the edge of a new beginning.

Thank you to our screening partners: Collective Climb and Black Documentary Collective (BDC)

  • Runtime
    76 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
    United States
  • Premiere
    East Coast
  • Social Media
  • Director
    B. Monét
  • Editor
    Sabrina Schmidt Gordon
  • Production Design
    Noël Rohayem
  • Music
    Never Whisper Justice